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TheraTree Pediatric Therapy
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Following Directions
Task Completion
Constructional Praxis
Following Directions

🌳Following Directions🌳 

Does your child not seem to "listen" to you and follow simple or complex directions? Being able for follow both verbal and written directions is an important life skill! We help this skill in many direct ways depending on the underlying skill deficit of what's keeping them from following directions. Speech & Language Therapy can assess if the have the language skills, cognitive skills, or hearing concerns to understand your directions. Occupational Therapy  can assess if they have the attention skills or if something else is over-riding their ability to pay attention (ex. sensory distractions). Behavioral Therapy can help shape their behaviors for consistent ability to follow directions! 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Way to go Kyson! "I met one of my Goals with my therapists. I am able to follow a simple 1 step verbal directions. I am also happier!" 
 ✅ Does your child need help following directions? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

When Winston began his journey at TheraTree, he struggled with following directions, responding to his name and staying near an adult. So, these were some of the first goals set for Winston to begin working on with his therapist. Winston was typically very unaware of what others were doing around him and did not have much interest in finding out. Winston would see something of interest, take off in that direction, begin playing with the object, and have no idea if the adult was following or not. Well, we are ecstatic to announce that Winston now follows an adult to other areas with a maximum of one prompt, (this way please), which is a huge improvement! We are so proud of all your hard work, bud! You are on FIRE! 🔥
 ✅ Does your child need help following directions? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

🌳Transitioning to Difference Environments🌳

Does dropping your child off at daycare, school, or the babysitter cause tearful tantrums and upset? It doesn't have to be that way! We can help your child have happy happy and tear free transitions. Mental Health Therapy can help build the emotional coping skills so your child can successfully transition to where they need to be. Occupational Therapy  can help with the self-regulation for and identify underlying challenges for transitions. Behavioral Therapy can help shape their behaviors for consistent ability to participate in many different environments! 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

What a success!!! Jayleigh has made great steps in acheiving her goals. Last week, she came back without mom or dad for the second time!!! She even stated "I like coming back by myself"!! Jayleigh was happy and cheerful for the entire session and did great with transitioning without her parents' guidance! What a great accomplishment! We are so proud of you Jayleigh!! 
 ✅ Does your child need help transitioning? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  


Is your child easily distracted? Therapy can help!  Occupational Therapy Providers will look at the underlying reasons why a child has difficulty with attention. Is it sensory, executive functioning, another skills they're avoiding or something else?  Speech Therapy looks that the cognitive and receptive language skills required for attention and helps this aspect.  Behavioral Therapy is a great opportunity to reinforce attention based skills for consistent behavior! Behavior therapy will give the consistent repetition and duration needed for your child to improve attention. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

SO proud of this little girl! She is able to sit on the swing and do a decoration activity, she was not falling of the swing or getting upset. She is showing improved attention. She is showing improved fine motor skills. She is showing improved toleration of textures to her hands. So proud of you!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 ✅ Does your child need help with attention skills? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  


Does your child have trouble waiting and being patient? Therapy can help!   Occupational Therapy Providers will look at some of the underlying reasons why a child may have trouble waiting. It is some physical, behavioral, sensory or cognitive?  Behavioral Therapy can help reinforce behaviors to wait for their turn or something to happen! Behavior therapy can give the consistent repetition and duration needed for your child to improve their patience. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Kentley typically has difficulties with patience while in the waiting room. Today, he walked in and sat very patiently in the waiting room with his book. He was quiet and didn't require videos to keep him calm! What a success! Way to go, Kentley!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 ✅ Does your child need help with patience? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  


Does your child have difficulty putting tasks or steps in order? Do they get frustrated and abandon tasks?   Occupational Therapy can help with this. OT breaks down the steps and addresses the emotions regulation to organize yourself. This set the child up for success no matter how big the task!

 ✅ Does your child need help with sequencing? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Raiden is making great progress in Occupational Therapy! Today Raiden completed an obstacle course 5 times at the beginning of his session. Typically, Raiden will run from therapist or attempt to play with other toys. However, today he was able to complete the obstacle course the therapist created with minimal cues for redirection. Raiden demonstrated increased attention to task in today's session. He even followed the therapists' directions well today! Great job Raiden!
Task Completion

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Emma is a rock star!! We have been working on a special art project together. Last week we did pour panting, is exactly what you think. Emma followed all of the directions and didn't get frustrated while we figured out how to do this together. Neither of us had ever done this so we learned together. The other part of this project we completed this week. That was sealing the paintings and hanging them on my door. Emma hung them for me because she is taller. She did a wonderful job and is very proud of her work. I am too.

 ✅ Does your child need help with finished what they start? Get help now: 

📞 270-688-8449  

Constructional Praxis

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

When Makenzie began her journey here at TheraTree in our ABA program, she struggled to complete tasks taking more than twenty minutes or so. Makenzie would become highly frustrated and want to give up. Makenzie worked with her therapist to find coping skills unique to her and techniques to help her slow down while working on large tasks to focus. Well, today, let us take a moment to recognize this young lady's hard work because Makenzie completed an almost 800 piece puzzle over about 4 hours while stuck at home on a snow day! While completing the puzzle, Makenzie used her self-awareness skills and recognized that she needed a break a few times, so; she took them! Keep knocking our socks off, girl! We love watching you grow at TheraTree! 🥳

 ✅ Does your child need help with putting together items? Get help now: 

📞 270-688-8449  


⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Makenzie came to TheraTree unaware of how to handle her emotions in frustrating situations. Makenzie would also, not ask for help when she needed it, but instead would allow herself to become completely overwhelmed. Makenzie was faced with an extremely hard and potentially dangerous situation this past week. Makenzie took a moment, handled the immediate situation exactly as she should have and then, recognized that she needed an adult's help. So, Makenzie made her mother aware of the situation so, that they could handle it together. We are so proud of you, Makenzie!! This is such a huge milestone you have passed and we cannot wait to see what amazing things you will blow us away with next!!

 ✅ Does your child need help with making safe decisions? Get help now: 

📞 270-688-8449  


⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

I had been treating for Kyson only for a few month's. He showed difficulty with structure play and he was more into just running around. He met a few of his goals. He can sit and follow structure activities. He is also able to put toys away on request. Kyson also showed the ability play along side a peer. Kyson is able to stop a activity not on his terms and start another activity without getting upset. Mom also reported great progress. It is encouraging to see how this young man is showing progress over a short period  

 ✅ Does your child need help with making safe decisions? Get help now: 

📞 270-688-8449  

Social Skills

Social Skills
Interacting with Adults
Personal Space
Problem Solving
Turn Taking
Social Skills

🌳Social Skills🌳

Does your child have challenges with building relationships, resolving conflict with others, and generally making friend? We look at what the underlying challenges of why a children has difficulty with social skills and will find the best fit for them.  Occupational Therapy Providers will look at the functional daily tasks a child needs to complete. Speech Therapy looks that the actual communication skills of expressive language and pragmatic skills.  Behavioral Therapy helps these life skills as well! Behavior therapy will give the consistent repetition and duration needed for your child to improve their social skills. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Landon and Xander work together during their occupational therapy session focusing on social skills such as turn-taking, sharing, and conflict resolution. 

Did you know that there are a variety of strategies that occupational therapy practitioners employ to support a child to establish better social skills, including:
• Relating to the child's interests
• Assessing the child's environment
• Simplyfying tasks
• Role play
• Modeling

It is important for children to develop the skills they need to play and relate appropriately with their peers, as these interpersonal skills help children learn how to deal with conflict or challenging incidents, better understand their emotions and social roles, learn how to solve problems, and adjust to change.                 
 ✅ Does your child need help with brushing their teeth? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Interacting with Adults

🌳Interacting with Adults🌳

Does your child have difficulty interacting with other adults? Are they shy meeting new teachers or others they need to interact with.   Occupational Therapy can help with this as well as Behavior Therapy! 

 ✅ Does your child need help with interaction? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Winston came to TheraTree unwilling to play with/near others. Winston did not want to play games/toys with other children or adults. When someone would attempt to play with Winston, he would simply pick up the current objects he was working with, take any his peer had picked up, and move to another area. Winston has been working on peer play for several weeks with his therapist and has shown immense improvement. Although Winston was now willing, as well as, eager to play with his therapist; The interest to play with others seemed to stop there. So, today Winston had a play date with another adult. In the beginning of the play date, Winston did not want to play and was very weary of even sitting at the table. Once he sat down and the adult attempted to play with him, he immediately attempted to take the toy she had picked up, but then, with only two verbal prompts from his therapist, Winston began to allow the other adult to not only play near him, but with him!!! Winston continues to blow us away everyday and I am so thankful for the testament these ENOURMOUS behavioral changes exhibit to the work we LOVE to do here at TheraTree!! I can't wait to see what milestone you jump over next!! 💫

Personal Space

🌳Personal Space🌳

Does your child have difficulty invading other's personal spaces?  Occupational Therapy can help with this. OT has many ways to teach personal space and help build health relationships with others! 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Nicholas doesn't typically like other children or people in his personal space. We have been working on playing games with others. Today, Nicholas independently engaged in play with a peer during his session! They would play tag and run through the clinic! With this, Nicholas is increasing his social skills and tolerating others wanting to play with him. Awesome job on this success, Nicholas! 

 ✅ Does your child need help? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Problem Solving

🌳Problem Solving🌳

Is your child able to work with others to solve problems?  Occupational Therapy can help!

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

One of Caidence goals are to follow peers instructions as well as being able to navigate her body in space without getting distracted. They are doing a scaverger hunt and they needed to find objects what started with the alphabet letters. Caidence showed the ability to be able to take turns with no verbal gudiance needed as well as the ability to work with her peer to find objects together. She initiated turn taking of writting on the scavenger hunt paper. Caidence showed that she can wait for her turn, pay attneiton to tasks, follow simple verbal instructions as well as work with a peer withotu talkingn about random subjects. This is a great accoplishment for her. Very proud of you today 

 ✅ Does your child need help? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Turn Taking

🌳Problem Solving🌳

Is your child able to take turns?  Occupational Therapy can help!

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Before beginning his time at TheraTree, Winston would avoid playing near another child or adult and preferred to play alone. If another child or adult would attempt to play then, Winston would simply grab his toys and walk to another area to be alone. Winston has been working for several weeks on parallel play with an adult and has improved with every session. Winston played a pig game, with prompting, for 15 minutes with another child today!!! 🙌🏼 This is such a huge milestone for you, bud!! We are so proud!! 💗

 ✅ Does your child need help? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

Self Care

Picky Eaters & Problem Feeders
Brushing Teeth
Potty Training
Hand Washing
Device Management
Hair Cuts
Picky Eaters & Problem Feeders

🌳Picky Eaters & Problem Feeders🌳

Is your child a picky eater or problem feeder? We understand the mealtime stressors, worry over nutrition, grocery store meltdowns, and desperation for your child to just eat. We are dedicated to help find the underlying reason why your child is having these challenges to get addressed by the right specialists. Occupational Therapy Providers are the right fit for children with sensory challenges who hate certain textures in their mouth, avoid things on their skin like messy/sticky and just the look at certain foods cause a melt down. OTs also help when there is an adaptation needed because of a motor skill or deformity so a child can help physically feed themselves such as a spoon with a built up handle, plate that sticks to the table or other so many other adaptive feeding equipment. Speech Language Pathologists are the best fit when a child has difficulty swallowing (choking, coughing, gaging) or poor oral motor skills and mouth strength that make chewing  and moving food around in their mouth difficult. Behavioral Therapy helps to break down those barriers when your child gets stuck on certain foods, has tantrums at mealtime, or has developed undesirable behaviors around mealtime (throwing, avoidance etc) without a physical cause that OT & ST can address. Mental Health Therapy addresses the emotional aspect of feeding that often develops when a physical problem has occurred. Children who have has pain of acid reflux, a choking experience, body dysmorphia and more have have developed fears around eating. Often children with complex feeding challenges may need a team of difference therapists to address all aspects of their feeding. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Makenzie achieved a HUGE milestone today. Makenzie is a very particular eater, which she has always been. In the past, she has been unwilling to try different foods and simply states "I don't like that", even if she has never tried the item before. Over our last several sessions, we have talked about all the reasons trying new foods can be exciting! After our previous session, Makenzie stated for the first time that she would be willing to try a new meat. So, today we did just that! Makenzie tried the steak cooked rare, medium-rare and well-done. While she did not like the medium-rare or the well-done steak, she LOVED the rare steak and ate every bite!!! I am so proud of you for passing this MILESTONE!
 ✅ Does your child need help with feeding? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Brushing Teeth

🌳Brushing Teeth🌳

Do you hate bedtime because your child hates brushing their teeth? Do you dread the annual dentist appointment because how difficult teeth brush was? Brushing teeth doesn't have to be a fight! Occupational Therapy Providers are experts in self care skills. OTs help find out the underlying reason why teeth brushing is a struggle (Doesn't like feeling in mouth, toothpaste too "spicy", poor awareness of all areas needed to be cleaned etc and addresses them systemically. Behavioral Therapy helps these life skills as well! Behavior therapy will give the consistent repetition and duration needed for your child to learn skills like brushing teeth! We work together as a team so if OT determines there is a challenge with ____ Behavior therapy can learn from OT to support the need. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Nicholas did not like brushing his teeth when he started ABA Therapy. He would only allow me to brush his teeth for a few seconds before he was ready to move on and go somewhere else. Now, he allows me to brush his teeth for at least 10 seconds. He also started holding the brush by himself and brushed his teeth independently today. He deserves the best tasting toothpaste! Way to go, Nicholas!!! 
 ✅ Does your child need help with brushing their teeth? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Nicholas went to the dentist office today. He sat in the actual cleaning chair. I only held his one hand. (Usually I have to bear hug his arms and legs while sitting in a chair) He copied me when I showed him to open his mouth wide. The hygienist was able to brush all his teeth with only 2 breaks, which he signed for when I asked if he needed a break. She was also able to put the vitamins on his teeth even though he HATED the taste. When the dentist came in, she was able to actually look inside his mouth with the mirror. She was also new so he had never seen her before, but even after waiting he still did so good. No pinching, biting, or kicking!!!
 ✅ Does your child need help with brushing their teeth? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  

✨Staff Success✨

 A client and I have been working over the last month with tooth brushing. Before we worked on this area, he was having difficulty with the feeling of the brush touching his back teeth and often had gagging. We are working toward a bigger goal of being able to get our teeth cleaned at the dentist! Today, we were able to brush our teeth fully with no gagging or aversions to the feeling of his manual brush. I am so proud of this client and all his hard work!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ✅ Does your child need help with brushing their teeth? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Potty Training

🌳Potty Training🌳

Potty training is a huge life skill. Not only does it increase the quality of life for you child - It increased quality of life for the whole family! Occupational Therapy Providers are experts in life skills. OTs break down the underlying reason why your child is having difficulty with potty training. Can they notice the sensation of when they go? Do they have the physical control to make it to he potty? Do they have the structures in place to set them up for success? There are many foundation skills they help with toilet training - OT has a great potential for help! Behavioral Therapy also help with potty training! Behavior therapy sets up a reinforcement stroke so they have lots of opportunities to practice and get positively reinforced when they succeed. The more a child succeeds in this area the more they're willing to do it!

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

One of Winston's goal's since starting his journey at TheraTree, has been to be able to sit on the potty for two minutes with a reinforcer, (toy, game, etc.). Winston has been working on this goal every day for several months, but was experiencing fear when placed on an adult sized toilet. Winston would sit on the toilet with or without a reinforcer for several minutes, but would not use the restroom and would instead hold onto the sides of the toilet. So, the Clinician advised Winston's parents that Winston may show an increased improvement if he had a potty seat/potty chair. Winston's parents happily obliged and brought him a potty chair to therapy. I am ecstatic to announce that on the very first potty break trial, Winston peed on the potty!! You amaze us everyday little dude!! We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments! 🤩
 ✅ Does your child need help with potty training? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449  
Hand Washing

🌳Hand Washing🌳

Sometimes hand washing is difficult to learn when poor body scheme is a factor.  Occupational Therapy Providers are experts in life skills. OTs break down the underlying reason why your child is having difficulty with hand washing and build this up to a independent life skill!

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Kendall is now able to wash and dry her hands independently! This is so awesome! When starting therapy, Kendall required assistance to wash and dry her hands in order to make sure they were clean. As she started to increase her independence, she sometimes needed reminders to get all parts of her hand. Now, Kendall remembers to wash and dry her hands and does so until they are squeaky clean! Her family even says they don't have to watch her wash her hands anymore. Way to go Kendall!!
Device Management

🌳Device Management🌳

Device management is making the low or high tech tools we wear on our body. It can look like a lot of different things! From correctly putting on/off hearing aids to wearing a watch! Occupational Therapy Providers help with learning how to put on and take off these tools so that we can use them in daily life! 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Nick is a very goal orientated young man. He set a goal and he works on it until he achieves that goal. He got a watch in December and he wanted to work on putting the watch on by himself. We have been working on it for the last few weeks. He achieved this goal on the last visit. It did involved getting another watch strap but he still needed to work on looping the straps. Nick was very proud of himself. I am so thankful to work with this young man. He is an encouragement for everybody and his success fuel me to continue to be a therapist. Thanks Nick and a great job. 
 ✅ Does your child need help with potty training? Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449 


Does you child have difficulty sleeping? Occupational Therapy Providers can help!

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Lakeyn is a very energetic young girl. When we started to play together she needed her mom and she experienced difficultly with transitions. Today she met her milestones to be able to play independently, sleep better as well as eating better. She met her goals and she started to come biweekly for therapy. Mom reported that she is happier as well as more into playing with peers. Lakeyn made great progress in just a few months of therapy 
 ✅ Does your child need help with sleep Get help now: 
📞 270-688-8449 
Hair Cuts

🌳Hair Cuts🌳

Does you child have melt downs when it's time to cut their hair? Occupational Therapy Providers can help! OT's look at the sensory or process reasons why a child is having difficulty with their hair being cut. Then develop skills and strategies for better tolerating this typical process in life. 

⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️

Andy got his 3rd haircut! The last two cuts have been very scary and upsetting. This time he initiated the hair cut himself and even said, "Hey, this isn't that bad." Way to go Andy!! You rock dude!