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TheraTree Pediatric Therapy
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Masks & PPE

  • Both patients, caregivers and staff continue to be required to wear face coverings in our office per the June 11, 2021 Kentucky Supplemental Guidance for Healthcare Facilities and 902 KAR 2.212E filed on June 16th, 2021.

    Patient and Caregivers 

    • All patients (2yr+) and accompanying adults will be asked to wear masks in our office. 
    • Patient masks may be surgical or cloth masks. 
    • If you have a cloth mask at home, we ask that you bring this mask. 
    • Surgical masks are available at reception. 
    • If your child refuses to wear a mask, they will not be refused treatment. 

TheraTree Staff
  • All staff are required to wear surgical masks during treatment and all spaces shared with the public. 
  • Staff who are vaccinated and have those vaccination records on file with our HR department may temporarily remove their masks in staff only areas separated from the public. 
  • Additional PPE such as gloves, face shields, and gowns continue to be available for staff to use and may be used in circumstances the clinician as determined clinically appropriate. 

Waiting Room 

  • Our waiting is open to the public Monday-Friday 8am-6pm
  • Seating will be limited and spaced 6ft apart in pairs. 
  • If you choose to utilize our waiting room please see reception immediately for your COVID screening and to check in for your appointment. 
  • Please ensure you and your child wear a mask.
  • If you prefer to wait in your vehicle: 
    • Please call/text our office to check in: 270-688-8449 
    • A clinician will meet you at your vehicle to complete your child's screening and bring them into the clinic. 


  • Every person (clients and staff) with the intention of entering the building will be screened at reception or your vehicle.
  • Temperatures will be taken by a touchless thermometer. All temperatures over 100.4 will not be permitted to participate in therapy and/or enter the building. 
  • Each person will be asked if in the last two weeks (14 days) you or your child have: 
    • Experienced COVID symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, temperature 100.4℉+, chills, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell)
    • Been exposed to / direct contact with / or someone in household with COVID-19.

Sanitation and Other Modifications

  • The clinic will continue to have a fully stocked PPE station in addition to several mini stations throughout the clinic. 

  • High touched surfaces will be regularly sanitized to avoid cross contamination.
  • Staff will complete regular hand hygiene procedures for self and clients.
  • Staff will use cleaner, sanitizer, and disinfectant on equipment immediately after use. 
  • Fabric and other equipment not easily cleaned such as swings, ball pit, carpet bonded foam, crash pads, and vests that can't be washed immediately after use will be stored and not used in treatment. 
  • Any fabric used in treatment will immediately be placed in the hamper to wash.
  • All people must socially distance. 

How To Schedule

Please contact us at 270-688-8449 or to schedule your appointment.

Telehealth appointments continue to be an option for patients to attend therapy virtually.