"TheraTree was a great Level 1 placement, as I was able to see a variety of diagnoses as well as a wide age range being treated. In the four days that I spent at the clinic, I saw a baby, toddlers, grade-school children, and teenagers. I saw a portion of the BOT-2 being administered, which was really great to see being used in practice. I also was able to look over a
sensory profile that a parent filled out regarding their child. During my time at the clinic, I saw Kaitlin work with sensory issues, feeding difficulties, sexual education, emotional regulation, behaviors, executive function, limited ROM affecting ADLs and IADLs, and much more.
While at this fieldwork site, I was provided with opportunities to lead treatment sessions (with assistance from Kaitlin as needed!) Kaitlin did a really great job encouraging me, providing constructive feedback, and discussing reasons for the goals and activities incorporated into
clients' treatment plans. She helped me learn and apply my learning/skills through quizzing me on what I had been exposed to during my time at the clinic. She taught me how to recognize some of the differences
between the developmental skills of clients that she treated. Something new I learned at this Level 1 fieldwork rotation was that proximal stability comes before distal mobility, which really affects handwriting. Therefore, shoulder and core strength is critical for good handwriting development." -BreeAnn Burgess

Caidence started as one of TheraTree's first volunteers when TheraTree began the volunteer program pre-COVID. Recently Nick and Caidence have been working together on zoom to jump start the volunteer program. She has since started volunteering online. They have been working on responsibility and remembering what time to get on. This week she got on all by herself and completed the task Nick had for her. THIS IS SO AWESOME!!! We are proud of your independent work skills Caidence!
What students have to say.....
I learned so much during this internship. First and foremost, I learned how to provide therapy using a telehealth delivery model. I’m grateful for this experience because I know this skill set will be valuable moving forward. Second, this internship has allowed me to work with clients ranging in age from 18 months to 21 years old. I was able to improve my parent coaching skills, which are so important while working with the birth-to-three population. Last, I learned how to write concise clinical documentation that highlighted the skilled services I provided and the progress the client made. I would highly recommend completing a speech-language pathology internship at TheraTree Pediatric Therapy Services!
Jessica Hubbard, OTS
I moved away from home for the first time for this fieldwork experience. To say that I was nervous would be a major understatement but as soon as I met Jessica and the rest of the staff I knew that I was where I belonged! The orientation packet Jessica sent me prior to my first day was extremely helpful and she made expectations very clear. The way that I was introduced to students and gradually given more responsibilities over the 12 weeks was challenging but extremely helpful. I had the opportunity to interact with or learn more about a child before I worked with them. I always knew that every member of the team was open to helping or guiding me when I was uncertain about a child or intervention idea. I always knew that Jessica was there to guide me but she did a great job of letting me be on my own. This type of supervision helped me learn from my own mistakes and gain confidence in my own abilities. Jessica and Dale also did an amazing job of creating more learning opportunities for me through their involvement in KOTA. My favorite memories from my time at Lynn OT always involve the kids and their amazing caregivers. I always felt supported, loved, and appreciated. I cannot begin to thank all the amazing people that I interacted with during this experience and I am extremely grateful that I had the privilege of working at such an amazing facility.
Eastern Kentucky University
Amethyst Burnette, OTAS
I was fortunate enough to complete a level 1 and 2 fieldwork experience at TheraTree (Formally Lynn OT). After my first experience, I knew I wanted to come back for my Level 2. Jessica and the whole staff made me feel very welcome. I was able to experience and learn so many useful things during my time here. It really backed up what we learn in the classroom and put it into real life experiences. On my first day I was introduced to the facilities and given an overview of expectations and procedures. It helped me tremendously to have a packet of expectations and procedures for things such as documentation. This is very helpful as a student to have a packet to reference when needed. Jessica introduced me to my own independence at a perfect rate and I never felt overwhelmed. You begin to get that feel of being more of a therapist versus a student which helped boost my confidence in what I was doing. I would highly recommend TheraTree to anyone wanting to pursue pediatrics. Jessica and all staff were always there for support and to answer any questions. They are awesome!
Madisonville Community College
⭐️Milestone Moment⭐️Nick made great progress. Here he can put toothpaste on the toothbrush. He had to depend on his mom to help him. He met this goals and he can put toothpaste on his toothbrush with no assistance needed. He showed improvements in his strength as well as accuracy. So proud of Nick to achieve more and more in dependency!

TheraTree contributes to the community by accepting students at the following levels to learn about pediatric therapy and contribute to the organization and Owensboro Community:
Volunteer Program
TheraTree's Volunteer Program is designed for individual's to gain experience within the various divisions of our company.
Individuals looking to contribute to the Owensboro community are also idea candidates for this program. At this level of interaction, volunteers accepted observe skilled treatment sessions (with client parent permission), interact with clients at the discretion of the therapy provider, and may compete additional tasks within the volunteer such as cleaning, copying, shredding etc. Volunteer opportunities also include assistance with our events, assistance with administrative duties (great for future resumes), and direct interactions with the families and patients we serve to enhance their experience.
College Students
Collegiate programs typically will require a set number of observation hours and additional associated paperwork as part of their collegiate program application process. College students completing per-requisites to enter therapy programs are ideal candidates for the Volunteer Program. TheraTree does not accept observers outside of the volunteer program. Students wishing to complete observation hours through TheraTree must apply for the volunteer program to get observation hours.
High School Students
High school students considering going to college to study occupational, speech, or phsycial therapy are also ideal candidates for the Volunteer Program. Students get to participate in therapy sessions and find out if a career in therapy is something they're interested in.
Middle & Elementary School Students
Middle and Elementary schools student are also candidates for the Volunteer program. These students are under the direct supervision of an adult while volunteering. Their tasks are suited to their abilities. Individuals served by TheraTree have the opportunity to volunteer too! Volunteering is an excellent compliment to the life skills addressed in therapy. Volunteers will have the opportunity to refine their skills in a supportive and fun environment. Ask your therapy provider for a recommendation!
- ALL volunteers must apply to be accepted into the volunteer program.
- Individuals under 18 years must have legal guardian consent to apply for the program.
- ALL individuals must be able to demonstrate a level of independent work skills under minimal supervision.
- Volunteers must be willing to commit to 40 hours of volunteering. This may be completed in one week or spread out over a set number of weeks.
- Volunteers must provide proof of immunizations indicated in agreement below.
- Volunteers must agree to and abide by the rules and policies of TheraTree.
Questions may be emailed to:
College Internships
We currently offer internships at the collegiate level for students who intend to major in Occupational Therapy. At this level of interaction students:
- Have assigned reading to gain a fundamental foundation of OT.
- Organize treatment materials.
- Interact with clients as instructed by supervisor and participate in unskilled parts of treatment (such as set up and clean up) under direct supervision.
Questions may be emailed
Affiliated Programs:
Kentucky Wesleyan University
Western Kentucky University
Fieldwork Students
Fieldwork students from accredited OT & OTA programs have opportunity to complete level 1 & 2 clinical rotations with us.
Level 1 Fieldwork: Typically this is 1 week long clinical with a supervisor. Students will have opportunity to observe OT, assist supervisor in different aspects of treatment, create / execute treatment plans, and practice documentation.
Level 2 Fieldwork: This rotation last 8 weeks for OTA student and 12 weeks for OT students with a clinical supervisor. Students will have opportunity to create / execute treatment plans, document, complete standardized assessments, progress reports, present progress, consult with families and teachers, and complete evaluations.
Affiliated Programs:
Madisonville Community College
Spalding University
Eastern Kentucky University
University of Southern Indiana

If you would like to affiliate with TheraTree, email: