TheraTree Pediatric Therapy


Blog tagged as autism

The 4 Functions of Behavior

The 4 Functions of Behavior

By Jessica

Imagine this: You are grocery shopping and, in the aisle, next to you, you hear a child arguing with their parents. They won’t stay seated, and they are yelling. It is very common to watch a child “act out” in public with their parents. You sometimes think, “can they just tell them to stop and be qu...

13.01.22 11:34 AM - Comment(s)
5 Signs Your Child May Benefit from ABA Therapy

5 Signs Your Child May Benefit from ABA Therapy

By Jessica

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of understanding and improving learning and behavior. It helps us to understand how behavior works, how behavior is affected by the environment, and how learning takes place.
09.11.21 05:41 PM - Comment(s)
Halloween Tips & Tricks for Kids with Challenges

Halloween Tips & Tricks for Kids with Challenges

By Jessica

Fall brings sweater weather, changing leaves, pumpkins, and holidays like Halloween. Although trick or treating is not a mandatory childhood experience, many families would like to share this experience with their child and enjoy memories created as a family. Children with anxiety, autism, and/or ot...

24.10.18 09:57 AM - Comment(s)