TheraTree Pediatric Therapy


Blog tagged as Parenting

KY Medicaid Annual Renewals

KY Medicaid Annual Renewals

By Jessica

The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) is resuming annual Medicaid renewals which may effect your child's coverage. This blog has important information to help prevent patients from losing Medicaid coverage.
03.06.23 11:31 AM - Comment(s)
The 4 Functions of Behavior

The 4 Functions of Behavior

By Jessica

Imagine this: You are grocery shopping and, in the aisle, next to you, you hear a child arguing with their parents. They won’t stay seated, and they are yelling. It is very common to watch a child “act out” in public with their parents. You sometimes think, “can they just tell them to stop and be qu...

13.01.22 11:34 AM - Comment(s)
Anxiety in Children 

Anxiety in Children 

By Jessica

However, some children consistently demonstrate difficulty adapting because of a perception of danger surrounding a task. Particularly if there is uncertainty or there has been a previously negative association. At time several less intense events can build up to cause an overwhelm. Both of these n...

21.07.21 05:32 PM - Comment(s)
Successful Developmental Milestones, Occupational Therapy Can Help! 

Successful Developmental Milestones, Occupational Therapy Can Help! 

By Jessica

Children develop many important life skills during their first 5 years. If your child is not meeting the milestones expected for his or her age - Don’t wait! The earlier that a child’s developmental delay is identified and supports are put into place, the better the outcome will be for the child.
09.02.21 03:59 PM - Comment(s)
Tips for Supporting Children and Teens during this Holiday Season