TheraTree Pediatric Therapy


Blog tagged as development

Successful Developmental Milestones, Occupational Therapy Can Help! 

Successful Developmental Milestones, Occupational Therapy Can Help! 

By Jessica

Children develop many important life skills during their first 5 years. If your child is not meeting the milestones expected for his or her age - Don’t wait! The earlier that a child’s developmental delay is identified and supports are put into place, the better the outcome will be for the child.
09.02.21 03:59 PM - Comment(s)
Tips for Supporting Children and Teens during this Holiday Season
What You Need to Know About Speech & Language

What You Need to Know About Speech & Language

By Jessica

by Taylor Wathen M.S. CF-SLP

Could my child benefit from speech therapy?

On the surface level, the process of speaking seems very simple. However, it is actually a very complex process. Breakdowns in speaking can happen at many levels. When breakdowns happen, a child may have difficulty developing age...

26.05.20 06:08 PM - Comment(s)